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Hard Times

By Nicholas Vaughan

The alarm went off at 7.30am Friday morning

Samantha went down to make herself a cup of tea and

popped her head in the front room. James was fast asleep

on the settee with the television still on. The word

“BLUE” was bouncing across the screen.

Samantha made herself a drink, got two biscuits from the

cupboard and crept back up the stairs to bed. She put the

television on to watch the news in her bedroom and dozed

off again.

Samantha woke in a panic and got dressed quickly. As she

walked to the bathroom, she noticed James on his computer

in the office. It was in the small bedroom in the front

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of their house. While James was looking through the

photos he had recently taken of a wedding; the alarm went

off on his mobile phone. He knew it was 10am, and he had

to get work.

James switched the computer off and pulled the door shut

to his office and went downstairs.

“What time will you be home tonight?” Samantha shouted

from the landing. “Why, are you checking up on me again?”

“NO! I just wondered what time to get your dinner ready

you miserable bastard!”

“I don’t know! I will let you know later!”

“Are you working?”

James looked up the stairs. “What the fuck do you think

I’m doing?”

He heard a mumble and then it went quiet for a few


“Have you paid the Mortgage yet because they were on the

phone again yesterday?”

“I’ll sort it later!” James said as he turned to go.

“You do know it’s due again!” he heard.

“Yes of course I know it’s due. How the fuck can I forget

a £950 monthly payment?” James yelled back.

“Oh, and leave me some money on the side I have to go

shopping again!”

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“How much?” James shouted looking up the stairs again.

“Leave me £100. I am sick to death of shopping with a

bloody calculator!”


“Yes, I’m not standing in a queue at the check out

worrying if I will have to take stuff back to the shelf

because I haven’t got enough money to pay for it again!”

James threw £100 on the stairs begrudgingly.

“Oh, and by the way, are we having a drink tonight to


“Celebrate what?”

“It’s 12 months today when we had the gas and electric

cut off!

“Not that one again. James said quietly and frowning.

“I still can’t believe you let them break into our house

with a locksmith while we were at work and fit two

payment meters!”

“I AM GOING!” James shouted.

“And another thing before you head off to where ever it

is you go! When are you going to do some work around this

house? It’s becoming a shit hole? It’s no good losing

interest just because you don’t know if the bailiffs will

remove the furniture and the mortgage company will

repossess it!”

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James grabbed his keys off the hook as the house phone


I’LL GET THAT!” Samantha screamed and ran down the


“Hello…!” “I’m Samantha Sullivan, I’m not married…!” “Who

is this…?” “Yes, that right...!” “Oh, ye…!” “Who is our

mutual friend…?” Samantha thought for a while. “I’m Sorry

I don’t know anyone called Elizabeth Scott…!” “No, she

must be one of my customer’s friends...!” “When’s your

big day…?” “Ok, no problem and you say you want James to

do the photos…!” “How do you want your hair done?”

Samantha had a feeling this call wasn’t real and

started to get a bit fractious. Samantha turned and

glared at James. She was not happy! She realised

something was wrong. “Hold on, James is here; you can

talk to him about your photos!” Samantha threw the phone

at James. “She wants some pictures done, she has heard

about your long zoom apparently!” she said sarcastically.

James picked the phone up off the floor. “Hello…!”

“Yes… Yes… where…?” he asked.

Samantha walked into the kitchen and listened by the


“I told you not to call me here!” James whispered.

Samantha’s eyes filled with tears as she grabbed her coat

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from the cupboard. Then she walked passed him in the hall

and out the house slamming the front door. James put the

phone down quickly, opened the front door and called out.

“Samantha… Sam… Sam come back we need to talk!” But she

kept walking with her head down. James closed the door

and walked back into the hall and sat on the bottom step

with his hands over his face. With a long sigh, he

thought about things and how hard they were. Money was

tight. James owed a considerable amount to different

people and companies. He looked up at a picture on the

wall of them both when they were in love some years back.

It was a picture of them together in high school. They

had been together for years, but things were not going

well at all between them.

He went back upstairs to his office again and sat at his

desk with his hands on his head. He looked at a pile of

opened bills to his left and some unopened ones on his

right. James clicked on to the computer. He looked at his

bank account with £139 credit and looked back at the

bills as his phone beeped. When he looked at his

messages, it was a new loan company offering him another

loan. But he knew he couldn’t get one from anywhere. He

had been down the route of internet loans and scams on

the computer several times.

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While he sat there in deep thought, James heard the front

door open and slammed shut. He quickly ran down the

stairs. Samantha stood at the front door still crying

with a hanky to her nose.

“You told me it was all over!” she said pointing at the

phone. Then she walked into the front room and sat on the


“What you on about?” James said as he followed.

“I heard you when I was in the kitchen.”

James looked away. “Why does everything have to come down

to me having an affair?”

“DERR! It’s not like you haven’t been found shagging

other women in the past.

“It is all over! I have told her not to call me anymore.

I’ve changed my phone number three times. That’s why she

called here. No one will talk to her at work, and if her

number comes up on my work phone, I don’t answer it. You

said we could forget all that and move on!” James


“But we’re not moving on, are we? We have no money. They

are about to have the house away from underneath us.

Bills are coming in faster than ever. We have no life no

friends. You have more Bailiff Friends than normal

friends. We haven’t been on holiday for years together.

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You sleep on the sofa all the time looking at naked women

on the television. You say you’re always at work and to

be honest I don’t see a lot of money coming in!” Sam

yelled back.

James glanced at her as he walked around the room. “Oh,

so it’s my fault! You piss about doing a couple of cuts a

week and think that’s enough. I can’t keep bringing in

the money we need; you will have to do a few more


“I wondered when it would be my fault. You had a great

business until you slept with that fucking tramp. Her dad

gave you so much work!”

“I wondered when it would get back to her!”

“The car will be repossessed as well soon; I bet you

haven’t been paying for that either!” James shook his

head as it dropped.

“You have… haven’t you? You have been paying for your

black BMW cabriolet fucking dick extension yeah. I bet

you have paid for your car and Fuck the mortgage!”

“The car is a business expense!” James explained.

“Well get rid of it. The business isn’t earning enough

now you have shagged your best customer’s daughter.”

James didn’t stop to argue he grabbed his keys again and

stormed out the house. Samantha sat there sobbing into

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her hanky again. She cried for ages thinking about the

good times they’d had together, but if she was honest

with herself, she knew their school romance was rapidly

coming to an end.

After a while, Sam pulled herself together, finished

getting herself ready and walked to the shops. She bought

a few necessities and looked through the window of a

dress shop, but she knew she couldn’t have anything new.

When she was walking back, her phone rang. She put the

shopping bags on the floor by her side and searched her

pockets. “Hello…?” “Hi, Jean Philippe…” “No…!” “I can’t

I’ve told you …!” Samantha looked around giving the

proposal some consideration. “Fuck it.” She said under

her breath. “Yes…!” “Yes, I can come for a drink…!” “Pick

me up from the train station…!” “The one where we first

meet…!” “Say one hour…!” “See you then!”

With a slight smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye

she put her phone back in her pocket and glanced at her

watch. She picked up the shopping and hurried home. After

she put all the shopping away, she got changed into

something sexy. She soaked herself in the last bit of

channel number 5 she had and walked back up to the shops

and ordered a taxi.

As Samantha stood waiting she thought about James. It

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wasn’t long before the taxi pulled up.

“To the train station please!” she shouted to the driver

as she climbed in the back. Eventually, the taxi arrived

at the destination and pulled over. Samantha paid the

driver and looked around the car-park. She moved over and

stood by the entrance to the station. A black Range Rover

pulled into the car-park and sat waiting. Then the lights

flashed, and Samantha walked over and got in.

“Where would you like to go Sammy?” Jean Philippe said

with his French accent.

“Anywhere, just hurry up and drive!” Samantha shouted.

The Range Rover pulled away swiftly.

“What made you have a change of mind so suddenly when you

were on the phone, Sammy?”

“Things change, don’t they?”

“C’est tellement vrai, Sammy,” he said with a smile.

Samantha looked at him inquisitively as they drove out

into the country. They laughed and chatted about this and

that. Something Samantha hadn’t done for a long time.

They found a little pub by a canal. Jean Philippe got

some drinks, and they sat in the gardens with the sun

shining on them while they chatted some more and sipped

their wine. Samantha sat opposite Jean Philippe playing

with her glass on the table at first. Then she started

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wrapping her hair around her index finger and pulling it

over the side of her face while she talked incessantly

about nothing. Samantha was nervous and uneasy with the

situation. She kept looking around in case she recognised

someone. Her body language was scared and not at all

relaxed. She kept moving, crossing her legs then

uncrossing them. Samantha glanced around again expecting

to see someone she knew. She was very uncomfortable. She

jumped when a small cat walked by her feet under the

table. Samantha pulled her hair over get face again as a

barge went past slowly. She was quite happy to sit with

her elbows on the table and her hands on the side of her


“Are you OK Sammy?” Jean Philippe asked as he placed his

wine glass down carefully.

“No not really!” She replied.

“Would you like to walk with me for a while?”

Samantha finished her drink quickly and stood up. Jean

Philippe held out his hand, and Samantha grabbed it. They

strolled along the towpath. Jean Philippe picked a red

rose from a garden and gave it to Samantha. She held it

to her nose smiling as they walked to a lock just passed

a small bridge. They kissed passionately leaning against

the wall, and Jean Philippe held her tight in his arms.

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They kissed more and more until he lifted her dress and

felt the top of her leg.

Samantha wasn’t pleased, and she pulled back. “No Jean

Philippe, it’s too soon!” she said pushing him away.

“I must apologise!” He said. “I have waited so long for

this moment. I have loved you for a very long time, as

you know?”

Samantha frowned at him and walked away. He grabbed her


“What is it, Sammy? Talk with me!”

She stopped and turned. “I’m sorry but things aren’t good

at home at the moment, and I don’t want to make them


“OK, I’m sorry if I was misreading the signs. You are a

married woman, this I know! You ask me to pick you up at

a secret location. You get dressed in a lovely dress for

me. You let me take you out for a drink in the middle of

nowhere, and we walk hand in hand for a while. You even

let me kiss you passionately. Then you say no to a… how

do you English say? A little hanky-panky!”

“I’m sorry, maybe some other time!” Samantha said.

They slowly walked back to the car saying nothing.

They drove back, and Jean Philippe dropped Samantha off

close to her home. He said he would call again as she got

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out the car with tears rolling down her cheeks. Samantha

walked home clutching the rose that he’d given her. Her

world was upside down and didn’t know which way to turn.

Samantha sat in the kitchen for a while in a daze staring

at the rose. Then she decided to send Jean Philippe a


"I’m sorry it’s not a good time at the moment. Another

day maybe, when things are better!"

She added two big kisses at the end sent it.

Samantha deleted the message and then she placed her

phone on the side and half-heartedly tried to cook a

dinner, but she knew James wouldn’t be home on time and

would probably be drunk and it would end up in the bin as


While she was standing by the sink peeling potatoes in a

trance her phone beeped. She read the message from Jean


"It’s OK Sammy, I will wait for you! I adore you as you

know. If I can help with anything, all you have to do is

ask. JP XX"

Just as she started to delete the message with a tear in

her eye, there was a loud knock on the front door.

Samantha put the phone on the side again and opened the

door. Two men stood in front of her. They held their ID

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up. “Hello I’m DSI Clews, and this is P.C Ashton. We are

looking for Mr Becket?”

“What’s happened?”

“Nothing we just need to talk to him! Is he in?”

“No he’s at work, can I help?”

“No Mrs Becket…!” they said looking at her.

“Sorry, I’m Samantha Sullivan were not married!”

Samantha was in a daydream worrying about her life that

was falling apart. She wasn’t listening to them talking

until they held a card up and said: “We will call back


PC Ashton looked at her “Are you, OK Miss?” Samantha

nodded, closed the door and went back into the kitchen

and sat down again. After a while, she realised moping

wasn’t going to help. Samantha picked herself up, had a

shower to wash off her perfume and got the dinner ready.

She laid the table and waited. Samantha picked at her

dinner, and James finally came home just after 7. He was

extremely quiet and seemed to be lost in thought with a

mobile phone in his hand that Sam didn’t recognise.

“The police have been here looking for you today.” She

said scraping the food off her plate into the bin. James

sat at the table pushing the rose to one side. There was

no reply.

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“Did you hear me?”

“Yes I heard you, some kids tried to break into the shop


“Are you OK?” she asked.

Still there was no answer.

“What’s that?” she asked as she placed his dinner on the

table in front of him and picked up the rose.

“This? It’s nothing.”

“Where did you get it?” Sam asked trying to make


“It was on the floor, by my car!”

James played with his dinner still in a trance. Samantha

gave up trying to talk to him and went to bed to watch

the Television. She left him with a bottle of vodka and a

small glass on the table.

Hoody and His Gyal Story 2

“Hoody’s Delivery Gyal.”

Hoody sends His Gyal out on a delivery job and she meets

up with James from the first Story.

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