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Bibliophile ✨ by Areej Tahir

Updated: Oct 7, 2018

You gave me a strange look, Asked me "Why do you even bother with that book?", Just watch the hour long movie, and get off the hook, You Say, movies have vivid pictures, Music that captures, with characters so captivating, You get lost in the visuals, No struggle to turn the pages, Or to understand the language of middle ages, Spend so much on monochrome ink, which loses colour as the weather changes, Your confidence has me mildly amsued, with dripping ignorance you have accused, that my world is silent and colorless, your accusations can not be excused, I open the book and make you read, you do it at a lightning speed, and in that moment I understand, You don't let it sink and feel, I tell you that while you helplessly sit and see, I drown into the depths with soldiers into the sea, While you pray for them to survive, I struggle with them to break free, As you watch them die, I make the battle cry, As you listen to their words, Along with them I spy, I lie, As you're restricted to their illustration, words give life to my imagination, As you see people faking characters, I paint and built my own nation, Their words you are restricted to, New interpretation words allow me to brew, when your movies are old to the world, in every era, my characters are young and brand new, You can find pieces of me in the books I read, I don't belong to a certain caste or creed, In the cage of parallel lines and uncountable words, my polluted mind is freed, with open eyes I am always dreaming, Every page ignites a new feeling, words empower my thoughts, Books are my escape, my reason to keep believing.

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